I have received an xer which I know is cost loaded using the 'budgeted cost' field (confirmed using acumen fuse).
I believe the budgeted costs are calculated dynamically using units and unit rates , in other words the budget cost is not a fixed, manually recorded figure.
When importing the xer , all of the budgeted cost data is lost.
I have tried running a global change to turn off the 'calculate costs from units' , but receive the following error and cannot run the change :
- Event Code = VTFIO-3898-C
- Event Description = TCVirtualTable.FieldIndexOf: Could not find field complete_pct_type in vtable TASKRSRC
I have tried Andrew Podolny's app (, see chat here to 'unlink' the units and costs , and this succeeded in capturing some of the costs. However discrepancies remain between the costs seen after applying this app and the correct, or 'original' costs (confirmed using acumen fuse).
These discrepancies are inconsistent (ranging from 20 to 25 %) , so I do not think there is a single currency conversion issue that would explain these discrepancies.
How can I ensure budgeted costs are always imported correctly ?
I understand for a very quick review the original costs could be exported to a User Defined Field, or to Excel , but this will be a monthly program update so the process needs to be efficient , and the costs should ideally remain in P6 to allow us to use the resource assignments to generate quick cash flows.