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Budgeted Costs Lost during XER Import

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jean-michel albert
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I have received an xer which I know is cost loaded using the 'budgeted cost' field (confirmed using acumen fuse).
I believe the budgeted costs are calculated dynamically using units and unit rates , in other words the budget cost is not a fixed, manually recorded figure.

When importing the xer , all of the budgeted cost data is lost.

I have tried running a global change to turn off the 'calculate costs from units' , but receive the following error and cannot run the change : 

  • Event Code = VTFIO-3898-C
  • Event Description = TCVirtualTable.FieldIndexOf: Could not find field complete_pct_type in vtable TASKRSRC

I have tried Andrew Podolny's app (, see chat here to 'unlink' the units and costs , and this succeeded in capturing some of the costs. However discrepancies remain between the costs seen after applying this app and the correct, or 'original' costs (confirmed using acumen fuse).
These discrepancies are inconsistent (ranging from 20 to 25 %) , so I do not think there is a single currency conversion issue that would explain these discrepancies.

How can I ensure budgeted costs are always imported correctly ?
I understand for a very quick review the original costs could be exported to a User Defined Field, or to Excel , but this will be a monthly program update so the process needs to be efficient , and the costs should ideally remain in P6 to allow us to use the resource assignments to generate quick cash flows.


Zoltan Palffy
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rigth can be found under Admin

Then on the project profiles whatever the default box is checked should be administrator

then in the bottom section under Previlege 


also up top on the left on Global profiles the default box checked should be Administrator maybe

then in the bottom section under Previlege 



Also Admin Users 

on the global access tab 

under Global Security Profile 

it should be <Admin Superuser>

Steven Auld
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Could you please clarify a few things.

When you import the XER as supplied, do you lose all Cost Data as stated in your initial comment, or just some / incorrect data?

After Unlinking the Units & Costs, are you now seeing Cost Data, but not the expected values?

Have you checked for Duplicate Resources on the xer file provided? Primavera seems to struggle where there are duplicate resources assigned to the same activities unless they have different cost account ID's.

When Importing it can cause the duplicated resource to overwrite the first value entered.

Unfortunately you would need to either check the XER file to identify this issue (as the value is already lost on import to P6) or import as a new project & change the Activity Resource Assignments import option from Update Existing to Insert New. You can then compare these values to see if they are now displaying what you expect.

Another thing I have found is that if you import an XER file without changing the Import Options, then it does not seem to import all the data from the XER file as you would expect.

When you get to the Update Project Options section of the Import Process, if you do not make any changes to this selection then it may cause issues with the import (e.g. Activity Notebooks / Steps not updating correctly). If you click on the Modify button & then OK (without making any changes) then it seems to take in all the missing data - not managed to figure out why this is the case. This is the same section that Zoltan is referring to.



jean-michel albert
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Thank you for your reply Zoltan , I have not had much luck sorry - see below.


1st see if you have the security rights to import costs
>>> please share where I can confirm this ?

2nd that global change only works on projects that are opened
>>> yes confirmed , the error still appears while trying to apply write the change.

3rd when importing the xer file when you get to the Update Project Options select modify and and in the Data Type" Global section make sure that for the Resources group that the action item is INSERT NEW
>>>> again, confirmed this option was selected , but the budgeted cost field remained zero after importing....


Any other ideas ? :)

Zoltan Palffy
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1st see if you have the security rights to import costs 

2nd that global change only works on projects that are opened.

the global change should be 

where Calculate costs from units equals Yes

Then Calculate costs from units -  No

if you are using version 18 this is a bug that you need the patch for 

 3rd when importing the xer file when you get to the Update Project Options select modify and and in the Data Type" Global section make sure that for the Resources group that the action item is INSERT NEW