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Programme Revision Narative Template

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Chris Wilson
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When issuing a revised programme I tend to write a narrative in an email to go with the programme. 

I was hoping however to get a bit more concise as to the way I report the changes in the revision and the implications of these changes. 

I was therefore wondering if anyone had a template they use for describing the programme changes. 





Zoltan Palffy
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you can always attach claim digger file. 

but if you are updating a schedule these shoulThe first page should be the Executive summary and should list summary information

Company NAME

Project Name

 Monthly Schedule Update # – (Date of update)

(Month of Update)

(Update # & File name)


(Insert an overall Summary Photo if permitted)

Executive Summary:                       

Update #:

Data Date:

Project name:

Contract Duration:                  
Original Contract Completion Date:
Approved Time Extensions:
Current Contract Completion Date:            Projected Contract Completion Date

Variance with Current Contract Completion 


Schedule Status

(List the status in terms of ahead or behind schedule, planned % complete vs the actual % compelte).


The Schedule labeled as (PROJXXUPD10)is based on actual field progress through the month of (whatever month). The schedule is showing a projected contract completion date of

(whatever the completion date is). This is (X number of ) working days after the approved contractual completion date of December 5, 2016. This project was scheduled to be 65.00%complete at this time. However the actual physical progress is only 50.00%as of this update.


Milestone Summary (screen shot)

(List the milestones only in tabular format this can cut and pasted from P6)

Activity id        Activity Name             Duration % Complete   Start         Finish         Total float


Critical Path Analysis:

(List the current critical path in writing this can be in summary form if need be)


The current critical path starting in February 2009 begins with the completion of work for C09 Crystal City the critical path work then flows thru the stations in this sequential order; C03 Farragut, C04 Foggy Bottom, D12 Landover, D09 Minnesota Avenue, D10 Deanwood through to Project Completion.


Graphically, the critical path in is as follows

(Graphically show the current critical path in this can be in summary form if need be)

(This can be in Gantt format or time scaled logic.)

(This can cut and pasted from P6)


Schedule Progress

(These arescreen captures of the data table area)


Started Activities

(List the activities that ONLY STARTED during this reporting period in tabular format this can be cut and pasted from P6)

During the XXX MONTH YEAR update period, (COPMANY NAME)  started (X number ) new activity during this reporting period.

Activity id    Activity Name   Duration % Complete Remaining Duration  Start   Finish   Total float


In-Progress Activities

(List the activities that were in progress this reporting period meaning that they started in a prior update period but are not yet completethis can be cut and pasted from P6)


During the XXX MONTH YEAR update period, these activities (20) were in-progress. (This means these were started in a previous reporting period but are not yet complete.


Activity id    Activity Name   Duration % Complete Remaining Duration   Start   Finish   Total float


Completed Activities

(List the activities that were ONLY COMPLETED in tabular format this can be cut and pasted from P6).

During the XXX MONTH YEAR update period, these activities (15) were completed.

Activity id        Activity Name             Duration % Complete             Start                   Finish 


Change Notices and RFI’s:

Change Notices

(List the number of change notices issued todate. If there are a lot of changes the design could be flawed. Change order work usually takes away manpower from critical BASE CONTRACT work).

Through XXX MONTH YEARthere have been 15 Change Orders issued to COMPANY NAME



(List the number of Request for Information issued todate) If there are a lot of changes the design could be flawed.

Through XXX MONTH YEARthere have been 450 RFI’s submitted and 400 of them have been answered.

Delays and Impacts:


(List any delays that the project experienced this reporting period as well as other from previous update periods)

There have been several delays the most notable were delays associated with the following

  1. Delay #1
  2. Delay #2


(List any impacts that the project experienced this reporting period as well as other from previous update periods).

The project has been impacted due to differing site conditions in the Basement. The original

Documents called for the columns and wall footings for the building to be erected on spread footings situated on unexcavated rock.  However, the material encountered was compacted soil placed by a prior contract.



(List any delays due to weather during this reporting period. The delay usually has to effect at least 50% of the work day and the activity MUST be on the critical path).


Date of delay              type of weather          activity id #      activity name  on  critical path (Y/N)

                                    (If rain or snow how much)

                                    (If too hot or cold what were the temperatures)


SUMMARY of activities changed since last month

Make sure to include change orders issued during this update period).

Progress Graphics


Schedule Changes Tabular section




Progess Photos (OPTIONAL)

(If permitted insert progress photos at the end of the narrative. Try to take photos that give overall status of an area was well as photos where there are delays. This gives you the ability to go back to any update period and see what the current status of the project was via the photos).


(Insert photos here caption them if possible or caption a group heading of them maybe in the same area or on the same floor).d be the elements in monthly narrative