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Delay Analyis

5 replies [Last post]
mohamed bsceng
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Can anyone share with me free studying material to understand the different methods of delay analysis?


Brian Walkin
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How about best practice for documenting delays in the schedule as activities and or notbook entries. Is there are accepted best practace / documents on this.


Brian Walkin
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How about the documentation of the delay in the schedule as it occurs - delay activities. Is there a recomended practice for this?

Samy Hassanin
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Zoltan Palffy
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look at AACE Best Practice No 29R-02 Forenesic Analsis


AACE Best Practice Time Impact Analysis 52R-06

Rafael Davila
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Construction Delay Analysis Techniques—A Review of Application Issues and Improvement Needs

It is noteworthy that the need for analysts to take resource allocations into account in their delay analyses is becoming an increasingly vital requirement. For instance, in the UK case of McAlpine Humberoak vrs McDermott International [29], the judge disapproved of the plaintiff’s delay claim submissions on the basis of not giving consideration on how resource usage was planned for and how they were actually utilized during construction. Wickwire [43] also reviewed legal decisions in the US and noted that “in any analysis of project delays, the contractor is required to take into account realistic resource leveling”.

Schedule Analysis under the Effect of Resource Allocation (PDF)

Schedule Float Game ENR