We are developing a solution when enterprise schedules could be reported via backend from Primavera and Project Online (Enterprise Master Schedule). Our solution already works with P6 schedules and we need to add all schedules from Project Online. We can't find a solution for one critical issue's and I need support from this forum.
Milestone's slippage (from last month) calculated based on Schedule ID and Milestone ID by comparing two datasets (from previous and current month).
Schedule ID and Milestone ID must be:
a) user defined;
b) unique per schedule;
c) not blank;
We aleady have a set of Governence Control Reports (via Tableau) and able to see what has been changed since last month (new/removed schedules, new/deleted milestones, ID changed (calculated absed on UID), milestones renamed, baseline removed, etc)
Primavera has Activity ID and Project IDs which met these criteria but I can't find out what I can use on PoL.
Activity ID - not stable - changesd if new activity added;
Activity UID - not user defined; (if a user delete milestone by mistake and created it again it would be new UID and slippage could not be calculated;)
WBS could be user defined, unique and not blank but only if WBS Code definition setup.
Is it possible to configure permissions to have WBS always defined (Now users and change WBS Prefix and mask)?
or is it any other options avaliable?
For user developers can't find Activity UID and WBS code at backend but I am assuming it just thier knowledge of Project Online backend. Please support with this as well ifyou know any secrets :)
Thanks in advance