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where to find labour or machine constant values online

3 replies [Last post]
shang gao
User offline. Last seen 9 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi all, 

can anyone please advise where to find labour or machine constant values online?

it there any free sources such as Rawlinsons construction handbook online.

If not, how can you get the labour or machine constant values to estimate the activity duration when the BoQ is ready.





Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 40 weeks ago. Offline

I've never been compfortable trusting construction rates from unknown sources, and have also found in my experience that rates vary so significantly across companies, industries, countries and site conditions that standard rates are rarely good for anything more than comparison.


But if you want them, try the "rates" section of planning planet

Aaron Melton
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I am curious about this too. Seems like in this day and age that information should be readily available and in a digital form to enhnace projects all over the world. 

shang gao
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can anyone share experiences on this?