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Planned Value & Resource Curve

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Islam Fath El Bab
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As per the following below Resource Curve and for an activity of  20 Days Original Duration the Planned Value will be exactly located on last day of the activity. 

But for any activity with Original Duration more than 20 Days, the Planned Value will not be located in the last day of the activity.

Please advise how we can get the planned Value exactly on the last day of the activity for those activities exceed  20 Days original duration. 



Resource Curve


Zoltan Palffy
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check both filters critical AND longest path 

or create a new activity code all it my path and give it a code value of CP for critical path 

now filter for the last activity in the schedule 

now look at the predecessor window make sure that the columns labeled critrical and driving are shown if not add them

now look at the predcessors and look for the one that has BOTH critical and driving boxes checked 

now highlight that activity and seelct GOTO at the bottom

keep doing this until you get to the activity that is on the data date or the start of the project

now highlight all of these activites and right click and select Assign

then select Activity Codes and select the code that you just added my path can select the CP value

now add a new filter 

where my path equals CP

this is your true driving critical path 

foji babloo
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Hi Guys,


Can you suggest other ways of identifying ''CRITICAL PATH'' other than these 02 options:

1- Total Float Less Than or Equal to (any value xyz)

2- Longest Path

If you have any other ways to identify critical path, so please share.

foji babloo
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Hi Zoltan,


So the remaining units will provide me forecast curve?

Zoltan Palffy
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yes you can select the remaining units and generate a curve

foji babloo
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Hi Guys,

Can you help with 01 clarification please?

How can we prepare forecast progress s-curve from p6?

Can we use ''Remaining Labor Unit'' from ''activity usage spreadsheet'' in p6 to develop a forecast progress curve?

Zoltan Palffy
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by default the distribution of the curve is linear however you can assign a curve by going to the resource tab 

right click and select Resource Assignmnets Columns

 expand the General caterory on the left and select Curve and bring it to the right 

not it is available in the resource tab

now click in the box and select your curve distribution

Rafael Davila
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Accrual Type - you can accrue at the finish of the activity by using this cell.

  • This you cannot do if using resource curves as the minimum increment is 5%, you need a 0 time event at the end of the activity, not uncommon when dealing with financial resources.
  • For renewable resources it does not makes sense most of the time.  Such allocation makes sense for resource production if using other software but I doubt if using P6 this would ever make sense.  If using P6 only makes sense for financial resources and P6 provides for it.