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Error in P6 R8.2- Application Event

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san TS
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Iam doing a Time impact analysis and in the Projects layout , i was copying and pasting the baseline to create more windows for analysis. After doing this and completing few windows, there was an error as shown below,

"An application event has been intercepted. Please note the event code for reference.

Event Code  PPUSP-0516-B".

I understand that this is due to size constraints. Then i tried to delete some projects, but then again there is another error(another application event code  UPDAT-1921-B).

Please let me know how to fix this.


Best Regards,

San TS


Zoltan Palffy
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Microsoft SQL Server 2005

SQL Server Management Express Studio

san TS
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Thanks Zoltan.

I tried deleting the activities but it still doesn't work.

There is no issue in exporting the files.I have saved all in xer format. The problem is in importing.

Regarding the Microsoft SQL server 2005, i could not find SQL Server Management Express Studio folder. Is that the dll file?




Zoltan Palffy
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just like any windows program you need file space even to delete stuff

first delete a few activities at at time then gradually delte more activities at the same time keep doing this then at some point deleted the entire project.

You can do several things

#1 delete the POBS table that are not needed

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Microsoft SQL Server 2005

SQL Server Management Express Studio

Server name: is name of computer

Authentication: SQL Server Authentication

Login: sa

Password: Prima123Vera

Click Connect

Click on Databases and expand it

Highlight pmdb$primavera

Up top select New Query

On the right hand side type delete pobs;

Then right click and select execute

Close SQL

Always check for unecessary POBS tables prior to importing and xer file here is the link to the free software

#2 create another database

You might want to create a second database and start working in that environment if want to have to leave your existing data intact. Another option is to export some of the project files to an xer. You can put more than one project into an xer export by opening multiple projects and exporting them. Then delete the projects.

#3 email project to yourself

Another option is to open the project and select send project and email the xer to yourself. Be careful her because sometimes companies only keep email for a certain time period then they are no longer accessible. You could always move the email to an archived email folder which should not get cleared out.

#4 export to external drive 

Another option is to export the xer files to a thumb drive, an external hard drive or a network drive

 #5 Shirink the database

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Microsoft SQL Server 2005

SQL Server Management Express Studio

Server name: is name of computer

Authentication: SQL Server Authentication

Login: sa

Password: Prima123Vera

Click Connect

Click on Databases and expand it

Highlight pmdb$primavera

rght click select Tasks

then Shrink

Then Database

#6  shrink the files

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Microsoft SQL Server 2005

SQL Server Management Express Studio

Server name: is name of computer

Authentication: SQL Server Authentication

Login: sa

Password: Prima123Vera

Click Connect

Click on Databases and expand it

Highlight pmdb$primavera

rght click select Tasks

then Shrink

Then Files
