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Clarifying Activity duration behaviour for task dependent activity in relation to Resource allocation

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Anthony Obasi
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Hi all,

I need a view on this situation below in P6. Basically, I am building a schedule and the P6 settings are: fixed duration & units and task dependent activity. Project has not started

Situation: I created an activity with a duration of 4d and then allocated a resource to the activity with default units/time as 8h/d. This made the budgeted units to be 32hrs. It was then decided to increase the budgeted units to 40hrs, meaning the remaining resource units/time now changed to 10h/d. Now, the resource is meant to be available for only 8h/d, so a manual bucket entry was done which spread the resource hours to five days i.e.8,8,8,8,8 and this brought the remaining duration in the resource tab to 5d. But I noticed that the activity original and remaining duration is still showing as 4d as per the orginal entry even though the resource assigment has been spread over a 5d period.

I kind of expected the activity duration to change as well but it didn't. I have two questions, (1) Is this alright and could it be because the activity is task dependent and the original/remaining duration will have to be manual amended to 5d to match with the resource spread?  (2) Does P6 have different meaning for the remaining duration field? As the remaining duration value in the resource tab is different from the remaining duration column value in the activity table.  

Thank you in advance for your professional view and answer on this.


Zoltan Palffy
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there is no duration for the resources they should be the same as in the table resources are spread linerary from the start date of the activity to the finish date of the actviity unless you assign a specific resource curve to 


Anthony Obasi
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Hi Zoltan,

Sorry to come back on this issue. I don't think you get my question yet. To rephrase it, after manual bucket entry of spreading the resource hours across a five day period, the remaining duration in the resource tab indicates 5d which is correct. But the activity original duration still shows 4d based on the original entry. Even the remaining duration on the activity table shows 4d. And this is why I asked if remaining duration in the resource tab is different from that on the activity table?

So my question is, as the activity is showing a duration of 4d, is it correct as the resource assignment are spread over a five day period?

And why is the remaining duration value on the resource tab different from the remaining duration field on the activity table?

Zoltan Palffy
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as I stated you can either have the resources budgeted units determine the duration i.e. 40 hours = 5 days (based on the defined resource of 8 hours per day) based on 1 man per days

or have the duration determine the resources budgeted units i.e. 5 days @ 8 hours per days = 40 hours based on1 man per day

or have you can have the duration constant i.e 5 days and make the resource whatever you want i.e. 80 hours @ 8 hours per day would mean you would need 2 men for that duration

there is only 1 the remaining duration and the remaining duration in the column in the table and the status tab is the same 

Anthony Obasi
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Thanks for your response. As per my first question, I just wanted to confirm if this is a correct scheduling behaviour from P6 and then can amend the activity duration to 5days to match with the resource work over same period.

For my second question, (Does P6 have different meaning for the remaining duration field? As the remaining duration value is different from the remaining duration column value in the activity table.) kindly provide a view on this please


Zoltan Palffy
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if you want the resources to determine the duration leave it as is.

if you want the duration to remaining constant use the duration type as Fixed duration and units/time.

I usually use  Fixed duration and units/time and I let it do the multiplication for the budgeted units i.e. 8 hours per day for 5 days = 40 hours for the budgeted units. Then I take this resource info to excle and populate the budgeted units and costs with real data and import it back into p6 from excel.