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Task dependent activity - right or wrong?

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Anthony Obasi
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Hi everyone,

I am looking at having a discussion or debate in regards to the wisdom of having an activity type that is task dependent. In P6, a Task dependent activity is described as 'an activity that is scheduled according to the activity's calendar rather than the calendar of assigned resources'.

Off all the acitvity types, I find it difficult to understand why an activity is desrcibed as task dependent instead of resource dependent, my reason: I have never come across work or any activity (in a project) that does work automatically or by itself, this still has to be done by resources. So for me, it is simple to say all primary activities should be resource dependent as resoruces determine when an activity starts or finishes.

This would mean having just a project calendar and a resource calenar. The project calendar would then be a standard for all resources and where any resource work time differ signifcantly from the project calendar would then be assigned a resource calendar.

I want to have this discussion and debate in the wider PM community so please do share your thoughts.

Thank you.









Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 15 weeks 5 hours ago. Offline
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Hi Anthony

I agree with your approach that task calendars and resource calendars should be the same.

If there are special circumstances that require a different calendar then aplly it to both task and resource.

In Asta PowerProject there is a tick box on the resource menu which says - Use Task Calendar.

Best regards

Mike Testro