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list of activities and their duration

4 replies [Last post]
anna abdallah
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 I am an Undergrad student and i am asked to do :A preliminary schedule utilizing primavera software for a commercial two story with one basement building. The following is the general description:


1- The building is concrete/structural steel integrated system with 4000 m2 each story. 1000m2 as office area and the remaining is warehouse area.

2- Masonry blocks as partitions.

3- Clay Tile/Flat roof system.

4- Stone cladding as exterior finish.


can any body please help in this project by listing the project activities, their sequences and their duration.

PS: i would really appreciate it if the response was quick as the due date is on the commng tuesday.


appeciate your help!



Zoltan Palffy
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durations will come from quantities becasue duration = (quantity)(installation rate)/# of men to use

you have to know how much of something you have to install before know how long it will take

there are installation rates here at planning planet up top 9th tab from the left

anna abdallah
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hello ,

i understand what you are saying and i know the steps u already mentioned as i learned these during the semester. However my problem was not knowin what are the typical activities and its duration for such project because i havent been on site ever. Anws thanks for you reply though!

Zoltan Palffy
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is this our project or yours if you dont dig in and find out on your own you will never learn it.

So build it from the bottom of the ground up.

1. create your a wbs work break down structer

2. create you major activities

3. link activities together

4. assign durations

5. calculate the schedule  

6. Review and revise