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Time Impact Analysis Schedule

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Ahmet Tuter
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I was asked to prepare an example TIA - Time Impact Analysis Schedule in P6.

To do this, I would first prepare a normal baseline schedule, and then, assign delays to certain activities and prepare a second, delayed schedule? And calculate a variance?

How can i do this? Time ipact schedule is just the delayed version of the normal schedule?

In primavera what commands or tools there are for this?


Khuong Do
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I write an article regarding How to perform Time Impact Analysis / Window Analysis in Primavera P6.

If you're interested, kindly read it here

sajith raj
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Hi Andrew,

       I am in the process of making a cliam, I accept I don't have good experience with the Claims. So I request you to help me out with some steps. 


Have an accepted baseline schedule against which to make a comparission  ( I am having one)

  1. Regular progress updates trhrough the course of the project (weekly or monthly) that are submitted to your client. (I have taken the latest update as of 15-Feb-2016)
  2. Identify the event that has delayed progress. ( I have an event [many of them which I feel concurrent delays]which has delayed us from the beginning say( 29-Jan-15) of the project till  Nov-2015 and its a critical path)
  3. Make a copy of the schedule update imediatly prior to the delay event occuring ( Here is something that I dont understand, if I should:         1) Take a baseline and progressive update to the 28-Jan-2015,                            2) Should I take the as-built as of that date 29-Jan-15 or before this date(may be updated on 15-Jan-15 or 30-Jan-15) ,if so, is there any use of updating unless contraint is added like must finish on                                     --In which schedule should i add the fragnets--)
  4. Assign the original baseline to this copy schedule ( we can do that but the problem is we have revised sequence due to clients demand what do to then i hope that doesn't affect )
  5. Add activities tothe schedule that describe the delay event and link these into the schedule ( As enquired in Q3 which schedule, now I have a baseline,a as built as of current date, an updated one as one prior to the delay occured here on which one .)
  6. Reschedule the project and not any delays to project milestones ( Again reschedule to which date? current as built or the date prior to event in which schedule (Q3)) 

This will illustrate the potential delay to the project caused by the delay event, repeat the exercise for any subsequent delays. ( I wish to know,if can we add different events into this prepared on and how because if on different date with different updated dates ? if we have monthly updated programs and each one has different events(dated prior to data date) how will we collaborate it into one and how are we able to compare? should we do it seperately and analyse with may be a spread sheet?) 

I know these are silly question but requesting your help. I read some books and slides on steps, but something is missing with where should I add the fragnet(Q3). I have a multicritical path project too so its a bit complex and it's on going project . The confusing part is if we are taking the program to add an event immediately after the data date then whats the use of latest updated one & where is it used? . 

Andrew Pearce
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To prepare a TIA I believe you should,

  1. Have an accepted baseline schedule against which to make a comparission
  2. Regular progress updates trhrough the course of the project (weekly or monthly) that are submitted to your client.
  3. Identify the event that has delayed progress
  4. Make a copy of the schedule update imediatly prior to the delay event occuring
  5. Assign the original baseline to this copy schedule
  6. Add activities tothe schedule that describe the delay event and link these into the schedule
  7. Reschedule the project and not any delays to project milestones

This will illustrate the potential delay to the project caused by the delay event, repeat the exercise for any subsequent delays.

Zoltan Palffy
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there are no commands for this 

The TIA procedure is performed while a project is on-going, and has a ‘forward-looking’ or a “prospective analysis” perspective in near-real time. A TIA is a forecast designed to facilitate a timely contract adjustment prior to the actual work being completely preformed. here is a link to a flow chart on the procedure. see my post at the bottom