I have TWO QUESTIONS regarding following Activities for Coal Fired Power Porject Deployment Activities:
- What Relationships should be given to them?
- What are the Tips and Tricks should be kept in mind while giving relationships b/w activities in Primavera (when you know the actual sequence between them).
Activity Name
Pre-Bid Activities
Receipt of Consultancy Proposals(Already completed
Evaluation of Technical Proposal & Approval
Opening of Financial Proposal, Evaluation & Approval by CSC
Negotiation, approval by BoD, Notification and Award
Mobilization and Commencement of Services
Preparation of Feasibility Study
Review of Feasibility Study by POE, approval by BOD
EPC Bidding Activities
Appointment of Consultants (Project Management)
Preparation of PQ documents and approval by BOD
Pre-qualification of EPC Contractor
Preparation of Tender level design and bidding documents
Receipt of EPC Bids (Including pre-bid conference and clarifications)
Bid Evaluation
Negotiation, approval of BoD and Award of EPC Contract
Prequalification of coal supplier, invitation of bids, evaluation of bids and CSA
Tariff approval by NEPRA & Generation License
PPA and IA
Financial close
Design Review and Construction Supervision
Mobilization of the EPC Contractor
Design by EPC Contractor and review/approval by consultants
Construction Plus Erection of Plant
Testing, commissioning (Incl. Reliability Run) and COD