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Calendar Change Issue

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Jimmy Xie
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Hi guys,

Here I got one problem regarding calendar change. We submitted the baseline and approved from client, in which the calendar used is user-defined 6 working days.

Now, delay happens to project. And when we are doing EOT, the project complete date is 6 month later than baseline finish date. And we found that the 6 working days' calendar used in baseline is only defined until baseline finished date, i.e. after baseline finish date, 7 days working calendar will be applied to activities.

So, is that ok to revise the calendar in baseline when doing the time impact?

What would you do if you are the contractor?  and if you are the client, Would you accept above change when you are reviewing EOT programme?


Best Regards.


Jimmy Xie
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Hi, Zoltan, Thanks for your reply.


Jimmy Xie
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Thanks Gary

It helps.

Zoltan Palffy
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You do not need to revise the calendar in the baseline schedule becasue the baseline schedule is is no longer used to do any more schedule calcualtions. The baseline scheduel and dates are locked down. What you need to do is to revise the calendar on the current progressed schedule to reflect 6 days per week (the schedule that wa sin effect during the time of the delay). NOT THE BASELINE SCHEDULE.

You must change the calendar to 6 days per week beyond the original baseline finish date in the schedule that was delayed.. 

If you used the updated schedule based on 6 days per week only up to the baseline finish date to do your delay analysis then the delay of 6 months that you mentioned is would we more like a 7 month delay becasue now you only have 6 available days to work instead of 7 days. This would add 1 less day of work per week or 4 days per month for 6 months this would be 24 working days or 34 calendar days. 

So extend your calendar way out past the original baseline completion date using 6 days per week and then run the calculations again to see what the new forecatsed completion date is. This should add about another 24 working days to current impacted completion date.

Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 31 weeks ago. Offline

Yes, you should ammend the calendar


And yes, if i was the cleint, I would accept (indeed insist on!) this