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Manpower Caluclation

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Aravind H P
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Hi Friends 

I’m having a doubt on how to calculate max manpower required trade wise (ex: Mason,Carpenter etc ) per month after loading the labor resource below is the details im using 

Calendar I am using : 10hours work for 7days 

From resource usage Spread Sheet I’m getting 

Mason for July 3420h 

as per my understanding I am calculating as    3420/10=342 man-days 

                                                             342/30 = 11.4 No of mason required for July 


but some activity on July  have loaded 20 mason per day so I’m getting doubt

Can any one please help me and Gide me how to calculate it. 

Thanks in Advance 

Aravind H P 


Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 39 weeks ago. Offline



Please stop posting the same question at regular intervals in order to bump yourself up to the top of the most recent list.


it is not fair on other posters, and quite annoiyng for regular readers. Which is why i have been deleting them.






Aravind H P
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Can i able to caluclate max no of manpower req per month is there any procedure.

Ariel Malibiran
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(3420/10)30=11.4 is the daily average manpower required.however, you have the option to increase/decrease the manpower dependening on the availability of your resources as long as you could finish the job on time.