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How to assign percentege on WBS Level?

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Edmond Marius
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I have a project ongoing with no resources assigned. On the construction part I've created an excel spreadsheet with different weights for different equipments installation to show the progress.
I have been asked to compare baseline S-curve with actual S-Curve with the wights from the excel sheet. I need to assign different percentage weights in PV to do that.
Can anyone share some advice?


Jose Frade
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Hello Marius


If you want to compaire the two curves then you need to extract the baseline and fill it with the same relative weights - than have to put back again the baseline.

You can give relative weights at WBS level but to generate a curve from that I am not sure....


One option is to use the relative weights you have in Excel and load them in the nonlabor units. Fom this point on is easier. Simply export the nonlabor units to excel (in case you do not have an utility program - Ex: project tracker) and create the graph (Baseline, actual, forecast)


