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PRIMAVERA v6.7 Completing Tasks When Performing Updates with Data Line

2 replies [Last post]
Charlie Daniels
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I have been experiencing this problem for a while now and have not found the solution.


When I perform the updates to the schedule:


Select New "Data Date", and then Apply

Some activities that should still be in progress seems to have been completed automatically. 

And it is completed on a past date.


This is a big problem as I have to go and check all the activities after the update and when busy with a large program this is not very good for business.


Does anyone have this problem, do you have a solution?


Thank you


Rafael Davila
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Gary Whitehead
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When you say activities that "should still be in progress", what do you mean?


The update progress option tells Primavera to apply progress to all selected activities as if progress between the previous and new data dates has happened precisely according to the current plan.


So long as you have hit F9 before you use the update progress function, none of the dates should change.


Personally I think the whole idea of using update progress is dangerous. -I have never worked on a project where everything has gone precisely to plan from one update to the next.


(Also: please only hit the save button once when making a post, to avoid creating duplicates)