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Project Controls For 2,000 Villas project

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Elie Saad
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Hello gentlemen,

I am new to this forum, i appreciate for your feedback on my following querie: I've been tasked to tackle planning and controls for 2,000 villas compound project. I don't have previous experience tackling this number of villas and my question is: What is the best way to tackle it? shall i prepare a detailed activities programme for each villa or there is another way to manage this number? is CPM still an option? any other methods like line of balance could prove more handy? how can i report progress to my Client?

Appreciate your feedback,

thanx Ellie



yes, you shall create detailed schedule for each type of villas. Then copy these schedules in accordance with the total number of villas of each type and enter resources that are available. I suggest to set villas priorities that are defined by preferred sequence of construction and then run resource leveling. 

CPM does not work in this case because the order of work is defined by existing resource constraints.

Elie Saad
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Thank you Jason..appreciate your answer

Hello Ellie,

As a minimum you will need to create a 'time schedule' to show how one villa is to be constructed and the time / resources to be allowed for each.  If there are 5 types of villa's (for example) then you will need to do this for each one.  Speak to the project people and get their ideas on sequence and build times etc.  Get them to accept your schedule.

Then you can copy or summarise the schedule for the remaining villa's to sequence the overall project.  I am sure that the engineers on the project will be able to help you?

I trust this may help a little bit.


Elie Saad
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No answer?!! thank you experienced forum