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what are the fields required to generate cash flow?

2 replies [Last post]
Jus Tin
User offline. Last seen 11 years 45 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 27 Jan 2013
Posts: 13
What are the fields required to generate cash flow Progress cashflow and forecast cashflow? How to deduct retention and advanced payments in cash flow? Is cashflow generated at the time client bill is submitted or after the cash being given to contractor?


Mike, you described one of possible approaches to creating cash flow report using spreadsheet.

In Spider Project cash flow management is done automatically if planners enter both expenses and payments. I expect that other packages also can do this and create any reports on discounted cash flows.

Jus did not specify the software that is used. An answer to his question depends on the software capabilities.

Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 6 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
Joined: 14 Dec 2005
Posts: 4420

Hi Jus

Cash flow is the difference between expenditure and income.

So you need two columns for these two sets of data on a spreadsheet.

Each row will represent either a calendar month or accounting period and in each cell you write the anticipated number for what you will spend and what you will recieve in that period - this takes care of the offset between invoice and payment for both employer and sub-contractor.

The difference for each month will be either a positive or negative cash flow - ie what your bank account should look like at that time.

Estimated figures are replaced with actual figures when the numbers firm up - that way you can generate planned v actual S-Curves.

Best regards

Mike Testro