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Project Portfolio Analysis and Reporting Capability Using MS Project Data

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Mark VanDyne
User offline. Last seen 11 years 43 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 8 May 2012
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I am looking for a solution that provides multi-project  analysis and reportiing capabilities using Microsoft Project Server 2007 data files, similar to what is available in Primavera.  This involves opening multiple projects, up to and including the entire portfolio (currently between 20-30 projects, and 20K to 30K total number of tasks) and performing analysis based in selected critieria, based on changing business needs.  For instance, reviewing Mechancial Engineering tasks for all projects, analyzing projects assigned to a specific Project Manager or evaluating the impact of future (i.e. potential work) on the portfolio.  Note: Although it would be ideal to achieve this functionality using MS Project, an Add-in appication or even a solution separate from MS Project (i.e. exporting MS Project data to another application) is under consideration as long as we get the functionality that we are looking for.  Any ideas or expereiences, good or bad?