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Tender Program & Base Line Program

4 replies [Last post]
Arun Vasanth
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Dear Friends

I want to know the Relation between Tender Program and Base Line program.





Arun Vasanth
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Thank you sir

Right now I am working in a Microtunneling project.In the Tender stage with limited information we submited  one Tender program with a sequence and duration,we got the work also.

Once the work awarded Client changed the sequence and duartion with  current situation with the joint meeting of We Maincontactor and the tunneling contractor.

Nw My Q.S  is saying that we have to submit a Base program with Tender sequence and Duration which is not going to happend.


What I have to do ???/Please help

Raymund de Laza
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There is no specific rules for such.

Arun Vasanth
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Thank you Raymond


Is there any Mandatory rule that we have to follow the same duration and sequence 

of Tender program in the Base line program????



Arun Vasanth

Raymund de Laza
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Tender Program = Preliminary Master Schedule attached with the Tender Docs. This part of the Tender Doc will present how you will plan to execute the Tender Project.
Baseline Program = Initial Schedule accepted or approved by client in the beginning of the implementation of Project. This detailed schedule will present how to execute the project on hand.