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What constrainst in p3?

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Num Lock
User offline. Last seen 11 years 47 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 15 Oct 2006
Posts: 27

Hi, the project finish date is almost 2 years delayed, which constraint shall I use in P3? The data date after I put the constrainst will be the project start date. When I use the mandatory constrainst, the total float will be zero for that activity while the successors has negative floats. When I use the late constrainsts, it has no negative floats. When I use the early constrainst, the applied activity has negative floats. So which one shall I use. I want to show the result of these constrainst to claim Extenstion of time. Can you elaborate the difference between them?


1. Early constrainst - start

2. Early constrainst - finish

3. Late constraint - start

4. Late constrainst - finish

5. Start on

6. Expected finish

7. Mandatory start

8. Mandatory finish

9. Float constraint - zero total float

10. Float constriat - zero free float


Thanks guys.


Rafael Davila
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Many forensic analyst eliminate all constraints in their delay analysis schedules as constraints fool the traditional CPM backward computations.

Even for the most simple of the delay analysis technique, the TIA as a contemporaneous method is frequently performed with some avoidance of constraints. Some perform the TIA in a further simplified way by eliminating all constraints and using logic to replace them, this includes the elimination of the project must finish date which imposes a constraint on the job. The following methodology accepts only contractual constraints but suggest methods to reduce the distraction they cause.

Umer Mehmood
User offline. Last seen 2 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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Dear Mr Num Lock

As for the extension of time , you should schedule the activity as it is impacted like

for example as original planned 

the activity was planned to start on 1 jan 11 then end on 31 jan , which is supposed your project end date 

Now due to delay due to same event this activity does not start at 1 jan , now  it started on 15 jan , it means there is a 15 day delay , now you should schedule by starting the activty on 15 jan and finish date of 15 feb 

while to show delay 

go to project overview and put project to completed on 31 jan 11 and schedule it 

you will see a negative float which shows delay 


i hope this may help you