Summary: I am updating numerous traits of selected activities ( including physical % complete) for a project by exporting from P6 to Excel 2007 on Windows XP, updating the traits (including physical % complete), and then importing back into P6.
Problem: All the traits are changing almost perfectly except for Physical % complete, which doesn't seem to update at all.
Full Description:
- I'm exporting with a filter for activity status started or complete.
- I'm exporting the following columns
- task_code
- status_code
- wbs_id
- act_start_date
- act_end_date
- drtn_complete_pct
- calc_phys_complete_pct
- task_name
- delete_record_flag
- I then each activity and column accordingly.
- I import back into Primavera.
- I schedule to correct data date.
- I then copy and paste activity list into Excel to check to see teh changes were made by the import.
- All changes are effected EXCEPT Physical % complete.
- Thus I know the import is working on everythign except Physical % complete.
I would very much appreciate some assistance with this issue as it is resuylting in enough added work for me to take teh time out of my day to write this in depth complaint...
Thanks in Advance!