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Method Statement and construction programme

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rayhan khan
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Could any one tell me why we need both a Method Statement and construction programme ?


ashraf alawady
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Dear Mr Khan


we need the method statment to know in details how the contarctor will carry out the works (method statment will discrib the main activity in words ad it will includ material , machiery, operation, testing ,risk management, quality control and quality assurance) it will be availabe with the constuction staff o the site after approval in order to do the works o the site acordingly.


we need also constuction program(schedul) i the beging of the project and it shoud iclude all the contract scope of works divided to main activities , subactivitoes, the relation between these activities in proper sequance and logic, the production rate , the required resoureces for each activities..........etc and this program aftre approval will be the -the main tool in the project for monitoring and controlling the progress of works and it has to be up dated weekly or biweekly as per   the scale of the project and it will be used for evaluating any claim may submitted by the ontractor for extesion of time .



babu b
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anybody is having the airport method statement pls send me too

ulysses garcia
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Mr Rayan

In layman term, 

Method statement -  HOW the work to be done

Construction program - WHEN the work to be done

ulysses garcia
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Mr Rayan

In layman term, 

Method statement -  HOW the work to be done

Construction program - WHEN the work to be done

waheed mirza
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Assalam alaikum Mr.Reyan 1)method statement: Its Explain your construction schedule in words,Pictures or using some flow simple words..its is helpfull for all project team to easily understand which activity when its starting and from where its linked and what are the critical issues bla bla bla.... 2)Construction Schedule:Its a logical programm hence only planner or project management level peoples can understand..its is used to schedule,Monitor,Cost control,track one 
waheed mirza
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PLEASE any planner having the template for Schedule method statement and how to present the sequencing 


please email me ..i am handling a defence airport project....and very needfull of it.

My email:

Muhammad Anwar
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Hi Guys,



I think in start of any project,  baseline schedule is developed & submitted to client, with this baseline schedule there is a document called Programme or Schedule Method Statement. Am I right?

Any one have template or copy of Method statement for the Schedule or Programme?

Regards & Thanks !




Muhammad Anwar
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Hi Guys,



I think in start of any project,  baseline schedule is developed & submitted to client, with this baseline schedule there is a document called Programme or Schedule Method Statement. Am I right?

Any one have template or copy of Method statement for the Schedule or Programme?

Regards & Thanks !




ashraf alawady
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Dear all,


please be reminded that the method statment is the the cotractor detailed method of construction ad it will show the cotractor procedures in doig the works and it will show the purpose , the matrials,the equipmets, the methods and sequace of construction,testing , safety measures.


the construction program should be submitted i compliance with  clause 14 of the general condito of contract and has also to comply with other cotract requirements it show the logic,sequace ,quantiiyies, duration,resources,production rate,the relation between the activities,the eterface betwee the main parts of the projecct for example iterfane between utilities ad structure ad the utilities ad roads and roads and structure.


it should be sufecintly detailed program to the satisfation of the egineer ad the cliet.

Puneet Gupta
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Hi Rayhan,

Method statement is submitted by the contractor to the consultant at the beginning of the project for approval. It can also be submitted before the contractor start the work on site. Method statement describes the construction methodology for the work.The method statement encompasses the following:

  1. purpose
  2. scope
  3. references
  4. definitions
  5. responsibilities
  6. equipment / resources
  7. safety
  8. procedure
  9. Bar Chart

Programme shows the logical sequence for the work as defined in the method statement.

I hope it helps.


Puneet Gupta

Bau Management + Consuting GmbH

Muhammad Aqeel
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Dear Mr. Rayan Khan,


Could you please repat it you question, with detail (how would we be able to work together, if we decided to do it in teams?) you mean to say you ahve more planner and you like to divide work load or what....? you can approch to my e-mail  to (



rayhan khan
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Thank you for that, just one other question, how would we be able to work together, if we decided to do it in teams?

what sort of problems would we come accross? 

rayhan khan
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Thank you for that, just one other question, how would we be able to work together, if we decided to do it in teams?

what sort of problems would we come accross? 

Mike Testro
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Hi Rayhan

The method statement sets down how the work is going to be cazrried out.

Theprogrtamme stes down the sequence and time that is to completed

The two documents complimet each other.

Best regards

Mike Testro