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3 replies [Last post]
Shazia khan
User offline. Last seen 12 years 32 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Apr 2008
Posts: 139
Good Monig. Mr Rodel

I have an activity 10 days duration max.working Hr 10/d

This activity having four resources 2 nonlabour and 2 labour,

activity name is Foundation, OD 10 days. ( cal 6D/week)
Resource , 1 Execavator Nonlabour.
2. Execavator Operator (labour)
3. Roller Operator (labour)
4. Roller (nonlabour)
first 5 days for excavation, and last five days for Rolling,

i assing these resourece to avtivity all resource are over alocating,

Please advise me how i can assign these resource to activity avoid the resource over allocating.

How many units i have to allot for each resource.

Thanks & Regards


Shazia khan
User offline. Last seen 12 years 32 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 139
Dear Sirs

Thanks for your reply.

I have broken down in to two Task.

Trevor Rabey
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As Mike says, this is obviously 2 tasks.
Also, if your equipment has an hourly or daily cost and a calendar, then it is really just like a labour resource.
Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 4 days ago. Offline
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Hi Shazia

Split the task into two distinct activities.

1 bar for digging - 1 bar for rolling.

It is not good planning to have multi task activities.

Best regards

Mike Testro