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Calling all M&E Planners

4 replies [Last post]
Justin T Hole
User offline. Last seen 14 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi all,

New on here and to planning, although I have been in the industry for the last 7 years. Currently using, or should I say geting to know Asta Powerproject which I seem to be finding my feet with the basics so far. Just after some general advice really and whatever knowledge you can share with me will be greatly appreciated.

Also would I be better to set myself a template up which I base all my projects around and build them from there?


Kayode Oni
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My 2 pence worth of advise for M&E Planning...

First thing to note is you are at the mercy of the Main contractor regarding overall M&E duration! Increasingly, a good number of planners & PMs are taking into cognizance the fact that M&E package is probably the most integral part of a construction project, hence involving M&E from the onset.

Generally, I conside M&E to have 3 fixes - 1st, 2nd & Final. 1st Fix Electrical being your primary & secondary containment, conduit drops etc. 2nd Fix being cabling & termination & final fix - light fittings, sockets, spurs etc etc.

Also worth noting is the high level of co-ordination with other fit out trades such as 1st & 2nd side partitioning, painting & mist coating, ceilings etc etc.

As much as possible, I would avoid having 2 disciplines on 1  line of programme - e.g. M&E 1st Fiix - For the simple reason - That line of programme becomes as ambiguous as possible. Clear case of how long is a piece of string!

Hope this helps...


User offline. Last seen 7 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi all

I need help as I'm just getting my foot into M&E Planning...... Tell me what are basic things I have to consider when Creating the WBS from scratch in P6....... Just some notes on M&E would do....






Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Justin,

You can search the previous threads in PP, plenty of information is available. Enjoy the reading.

With kind regards,

Justin T Hole
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Advice off anyone would be nice, not just M&E planners, but if there are any on here, please share your knowledge.
Mike Testro, you seem to be a seasoned professional from what I have read on here so far, any input greatly appreciated.