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Providing Detailed Work Programme

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Mai Tawfeq
User offline. Last seen 9 years 32 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 4 Mar 2010
Posts: 96
Hi :

I have here a conflict be worthy of putting up on the table for PP interested members discussion , (( Providing Detailed Work Programme)).
The question is : is providing detailed work programme in the contractor benefits or in the employer benefits…?




Rafael Davila
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Unless dumb, any Contractor will be able to generate a schedule to his benefit. If you are a Contractor don’t waste the opportunity it is at the beginning or never.

Some tricks that reduce float will be obvious but others such as the use of multiple calendars can be harder to discover, especially with software such as P6. Is just a matter of using fields not disclosed by digger file comparison.

Remember it is the Contractor who will create the schedule, it is supposed to be his own, most will create two versions, one for contract management tailored to his benefit and another for his use.

Once accepted then the Owner falls in his own trap, especially if he does not allows the Contractor to make changes to the logic.

A wise contractor using P6 knows calendar holidays can be hidden and changed at will during prior updates without the other side noticing as P6 digger will not disclose such changes then he will have the Owner at his mercy, and this is just one way of many others. This asumming P6 is as bad at this as old P3e version of P6, the original.

The more complicated the schedule the easier to hide these tricks. I would recommend you use as much named resources as you can each with a particular calendar, this will make it extremely difficult if not impossible for the other side to detect holiday changes on hundreds of resources each with a particular calendar. Also subdivide the network in as much activities as you can and use resource leveling to drive the schedule this will help you to hide the tricks when resource and calendar related. Limited resources drive most schedules and the fact that resource dependencies are ever changing will drive crazy the other side analyst, many of them old school analysts incapable of efficiently dealing with the subleties of resource constraining.
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Mai,

The Program of Works is prepared by the Contractor to complete their works. The more details the Contractor has, the better they can safe time and money in making an effective plan.

I would recommend that you spend your time making the best plan that you can. This way (if you are the Contractor) then you will be utilizing your time correctly to complete the project and at the same time bringing up better ways to complete the projects.

Your mission is to assist the Construction team in making their works (in the immediate future and long term) easier, less costly and more profitable to the Company. Wasting your time doing other things, is counter productive.

With kind regards,
