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MILESTONES & Constraints

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JV Amande
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Hi guys,

I wonder why my milestones (Finish and Start)dont follow the dates i set-up, everytime i run and schedule, it returns or go-back always to the very start date of my schedule. They supposed to be placed on the dates i scheduled.

Unless i put constraints, then milestones follows.

I’m worried about constraints? Do they affect the S-Curve Output?

Can milestones follow my scheduled dates without putting constraints.

Thanks guys and hope to hear your great ideas soon.


Zoltan Palffy
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when you say the milestones don't follow the dates that I setup What do you mean have you put a constraint date on these milestones ?

Since the it returns or goes back to the start of the schedule this means there are NO predecessor relationships tied to these milestones and you did NOT use constraint dates. 

Yes constraints affect the S-Curve Output

yes milestones follow my scheduled dates without putting constraints on then if you have the appropriate logic and predecessor activities linked to the milestones


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Dear friends,

Any one can share how to preapare project mile stones in schedules using Primavera P6





JV Amande
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Thank to the info. Yup P3 is really one of the powerful medium in terms Planning & Scheduling. It’s just a matter of familiarization and knowledge to maneuver the Software.

Best Regards,


Rafael Davila
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Primavera P3 has the best graphics functionality for S-Curves I have ever seen and believe it is the envy of the rest in this regard, as far as I remember not only you could display your early and late curves for your current job but also early and late curves for your baseline, and not sure but maybe even 2 baselines early and late curves. That makes a total of 6 curves, and if not enough, very easy to set up.

Is good to give you a nice graphic to present to the owner, is a summary that tells where you are but not why, we as Contractors find it of not much value to manage the schedule. Of course it is a metrics of interest to the Owner who want to see a bird’s eye view of the progress.

What I liked about P3 being able to display late curve is that it tells/reminds the others you are not necessarily behind schedule, just some float was consumed. If it is limited, then only early curve makes it twice as limited and perhaps misleading by missing half of the short story.

Best regards,
Rafi Davila
Jovito Amande
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Hi Mike, Rafael;

Thanks for your great ideas.

Anyway im Just using Primavera Version 3.0

Rafael Davila
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Note there are start constraints that usually affect the forward pass while finish constraints can affect forward and backward pass depending on how the functionality is applied by your particular software.

It is important to identify and avoid those constraints that affect your backward pass computations. For example finis-no-latter-than constraint is dangerous in Primavera Software as it redefines the dates for backward pass computations different from CPM logic while in Spider Project it just simply places a milestone to show you whether you are missing the target or not, but it does not re-defines the backward dates.

But there is one type available in some software that is even more dangerous, I am referring to the must-finish and must-start constraints that fix either by overriding forward and backward computations without any consideration to CPM logic. These I would reserve to fix Milestones used for reference and not tied to the CPM logic in any way.

The S-Curve is determined by your CPM computations and very strange things can happen to it when your constraints creates negative float. I wonder how you would call when under the presence of negative floats the early and late curves cross each other. Maybe “negative float break-even point” can be used, whatever it means.

Your milestones can follow the CPM if tied by logic to the network or you can set them fix by simply not tying them to any other activity and having them fixed by a must-finish or must-start constraint depending on how your particular software handles constraints.

Follow Shahul advice, avoid as much as possible the use of constraints. Maybe others even will suggest never use them and only use CPM logic. These that will venture to advise you not to ever use them most probably will be very experienced schedulers whose advise has very sound reasons, although I believe in never say never at times my mind crosses the line to their side, even with regard to lag I have learned to be very cautious as I have been victim of their traps.
Mike Testro
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1. You have not told us what software you are using.

2. I am assuming that the Milestones are actual No Duration activities.

3. In most software there are default options on what happens to any task without links after re-schedule (F9) - it would seem that your default is set to "Move to ASAP" - it should be "Do Not Move".

Best regards

Mike Testro
JV Amande
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Thanks for sharing your idea, but this did not satisfy me. Pls. refrain from my original Q.

Yes, you are right, we have to assign date for Finish or Start Milestones.

But upon running my schedule.. all milestones fall in line with the same dates... and the date is the very start date of my project. When in fact, these milestones must be placed in their respective assigned dates.

Milestones will follow only if i will put constraints, but again im worried that this will affect my S-CURVE output.

Once you Check already the milestone.. It means that the milestone is already done and it is already 100%, with these idea, no need putting constraints, because right away you make it 100%. WHAT IF MILESTONES IS NOT YET DONE.

These is what i encounter now repeatedly.

Do you have any idea to prevent this, or should i push through using no other way but to use constraints.

Shah. HB
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F9 is a shortcut key to schedule the activities you have programmed with respective WBS

Milestones cannot be updated automatically ,you have to assign actual finish dates if it is finish milestone similarly actual start if it is start milestone

Actual dates indicates progressing/completed events/activities

Milestone will have early dates/late dates before updating the programme after updating they turns actual dates
JV Amande
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Hi Shahul;

What do you mean with F9? This will output the DATA DATE.. for running the schedule.

If i will check my milestones, from (EF=Date) it will become (AF=Date) and once AF already this means the activity or milestones is equals to 100% already..

Unless not yet AF or accomplished, i need only EF.. and LF is being generated automatically.. and this EF/LF will reflect on my S-CURVE..

Yes, base on my observation as well, putting constraints really affects S-CURVE.

Do you have anymore ideas back to my original Q?

Thanks Shahul for you idea.

Shah. HB
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Check the links of the millstones which sits on data date while you run F9.If you have open ends in milestones it results in the manner you questioned.

Avoid using constraints,as the true critical cannot be determined properly.

Constraint might have impact on your s curve depends on nature of constraints you assign
