I am currently managing a project via resource loaded bottom up schedule.
I am at the point where I have encountered change (i.e. addition of new activities/removal of existing activities.
On the project, we currently have a change control process in order.
In this specific case, we are using P6.2 for tracking budgeted, remaining, and forecasting units/costs.
I am currently looking for a detailed methodology on how to incorporate the addition/removal of activities during the process.
When new activities and or removal of activities occur: do I adjust the budgeted resources accordingly (i.e. In other words, increase/decrease original budget of the particular activities). If so, how would I use the original budget information to create curves in the future if it has changed (It is imperative that this information be available for future use). I would essentially like to have the ability to produce the original budgeted curves and revised budgeted curves - in this case would I define a user field column entitled Rev. Budget and enter date within that field.
Please help.