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Any project management books

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mukunda y
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Hi Dear Planners
I would like to improve my knowledge in Planning, criticality etc, can u advise any books or links,



mukunda y
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Thanks lot sameer
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear M.

You can check the Planning Engineers Organization website:

I think this is what you are looking for.


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I Think Wideman ComparativeGlosaary of Project Management Terms v3.1

is a good start.

I started downlading the glossary and I find it ammussing that some of the terms in the glossary I did encountered but did not know it was called that way.

Happy Planning and Scheduling
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Mukunda,

A good source of Civil Engineering books is American Society for Civil Engineers library:


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Dear Mukunda,

The most practical way in gaining now is to use the internet.

Go to google, type the word


or to gain more knowledge in Planning and Scheduling

type the word


You will find a lots of information regarding topics that you want ot enchance.

This is what internet for, information highway

Happy Plannign and Scheduling
Khaled Charkie
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try this book
Project Management for Business and Engineering by John M. Nicholas
it seems good. I didn’t read the book yet, but have reserved it from my local library.
mukunda y
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10u Abhijit, In my vacation i will buy

Dear Planners
any books on CPM, PERT?
User offline. Last seen 3 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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For Equipments, u can refer this Bible:

Construction Planning, Equipment, and Methods by R. L. Peurifoy

Most thorough book, I ever saw on Equipments
Abhijit Kale
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This book is availble in all bokk shops in India.

YOu can check it out any shop where Engineering books are availble

mukunda y
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Hi Abhijit
Where i can get that book?
Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Mukunda,

I would recommend that you start with the PMBOK; Project Management Book of knowledge by the pmi. It is $34 from This is a good start.


Abhijit Kale
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try out " construction Project planning and Management" by Satyanarayana.

check it out very simple n thorough book.
