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Total Float Calculation in P6 for Multiple Projects

3 replies [Last post]
Shahab Ali
User offline. Last seen 13 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Apr 2004
Posts: 24
Dear All,

Would someone help me out for calculation of total float in different project. I have a mandateroy finish constraint in second project and have predecessor activities in first project with as late as possible constraints. P6 is showing zero total float in the second project for the activiities but showing negative total float in first project. Why? How to solve this problem.

Best regards,


Shahab Ali
User offline. Last seen 13 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 19 Apr 2004
Posts: 24
Oh, Paul Harris,

Its great to hear from you. I solved the problem according to your first option. The second option is interesting, I will try this one too.

Thanks Paul,

Best Regards,

Paul Harris
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This is one of the many problems with P6 when one is trying to use it on more complex projects as it does not have a subproject function as found in P3.

The two options I have used are:

1.     Set the Project Must Finish Dates for both projects to be the same, or
2.     Establish milestones in each subproject that are linked to the latest subproject finish date.

Paul E Harris
Eastwood Harris Pty Ltd, Melbourne, Australia
Planning and Scheduling Training Manual & Book Publishers, Consulting and Training
Dieter Wambach
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By design activities with a mandatory constraint have a total float=0. Exception if your data date is later than the constraint date.