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Madatory Constraint

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ulysses garcia
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Some of the planners say that a mandatory constraint shall be imposed at the end of project activity and others say not.
If ill be the one to ask , it should be..

What is your say..


User offline. Last seen 4 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi gracia,

Mandatory Start and Finish constraints completely override network logic and do not allow for float calculations. Suggest that your contractor should have used START ON or START NO EARLIER THAN or START NO LATER THEN constraints.

NOTE: Mandatory Start and Finish constraints do not obey CPM rules. The activity configured in this manner will be scheduled to start on the date given even if all predecessors are not complete. START ON constraints work the same as a MANDATORY START but also obey CPM logic rules.

START NO EARLIER THAN allows for float calculation in delay direction and START NO LATER THAN allows for float calculation in the accelerate direction.

So, yes of course, program submitted is technically and legally correct.


Raviraj A Bhedase
ulysses garcia
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I need to refesh my point, the contractor has submitted the schedule without mandatory date constraint in the start date and finished date,

Is this type of schedule valid? Legally or Technically!!
Bernard Ertl
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