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MS Project 2003 or SureTrak Project Manager 3.0a

4 replies [Last post]
Donovan Scholtz
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Hello, My Name is Donovan Im currently studying Construction Management at uni, and i have been asked you find out information about MS Project and SureTrak Project Manager; mainly there differences, and why should one be used over another. I am not sure if this comparison has been posted as the search tool is down at the moment that is why i am posting a new reply. Any help would be great. Regards Donovan


Marcio Sampaio
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Here in Brazil we are not using Suretrack any more. MSP is the most popular planning and control software because it is easier to find professionals with expetise in this software, price, many good curses, books and consulting.

The usage of Primavera 5.0 is increasing quikly.

Rodel Marasigan
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Logically no difference at all. It’s only the environment and some enhancement tool on the software.

Other issues are:
MSP98 can save or export to MPX, MSP2003 is not.
MSP98 calculate relationship base on predecessor, MSP2003 use successor
Donovan Scholtz
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Thank you. For the link.

Question, is there a big difference between MS project 2003 and 98, and Suretrak Project Manager 2, and version 3.0a?
Rodel Marasigan
User offline. Last seen 10 weeks 5 days ago. Offline
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Hi Donovan,

Try this link and it has a good comparison of SureTrak vs MSProject.

