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Piping Tie In Lead Times

8 replies [Last post]
Andrew Sherwood
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On my current project, we are using a subcontractor to do the procurement, field fabrication, and installation of piping tie-ins (just the tie-in, not the piping that will be fitted with it)...

SO I am currently devising a piping tie in schedule, that has each Tie-In # and a timespan that the subcontractor has to do the work...

My question is how soon before the actual installation should the tie in package be RAS for the sub (Tie-In package contains the weld procedures, P&ID’s, ISO’s, Photo’s of the Tie in Location, etc...)

Most of the procureing they will be doing is your basic bread and butter carbon steel T’s, Elbows, Flanges, Gaskets, Valves)???

Can anyone help me out??


Anshad NK
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Hay Andrew

If you are looking for the Procurement of Materials, then you should take into account what time it takes for the following...
1.Preparation & finalisation of Material Requisitions,
2.Issue it to Vendors for quotations
3.Technical bid evaluation is to be done
4.Prepare the purchase order ...
Also you ve to consider the lead time required ...

it would be better if you talk with your procurement guy..or directly with the Subcontractor regarding all these....

hope this clears ur doubts...

& for your info I am not a procurement guy...

Hernando Pesca
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How big are the pipes? This is a prime consideration especially for large diameter. I suggest to get a the schedule of your subcon and check if their time-frame fits your master schedule. If not go back to them and compress.

Anoon Iimos
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i’m afraid i’m not qualified to answer that. please refer to the one incharge of the procurement
Andrew Sherwood
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The fabrication will take no time...Just to weld a valve onto a piece of CS pipe...I’m more concerned with how long it will take to procure the materials...They are doing the procurement, just wanna make sure I fit it into the schedule properly as to when I should get them the piping tie-in package...
Andrew Sherwood
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Sorry about that, the piping is Carbon Steel...Very short lead times...What they are fabricating in the field would be a valve onto the T, or a putting a blind on the flange, so they can still run the process unit, then we will come in later on and install the new line to the existing...

So baically how long to procure and fabricate the "tie-in", currently I am allowing 12 weeks...
Anoon Iimos
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what do you mean by CS valves? consolidated safety relief valves?
Andrew Sherwood
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The sub is only responsible for the tie-in, not actually connecting up the pipe to the tie-in...They are only basically putting T’s and elbows w/ valves...Then we are coming through after and fitting up the pipes...

My question would be better asked if I said how soon should I get the sub the tie-in package, to allow them to procure the CS valves, T’s, elbows...And have time to field fab them...CS has a pretty short lead time..
Anoon Iimos
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Andrew Sherwood wrote:"My question is how soon before the actual installation should the tie in package be RAS for the sub (Tie-In package contains the weld procedures, P&ID’s, ISO’s, Photo’s of the Tie in Location, etc...)"

that will depend on the length of your piping and the locations of the tie-ins. I suppose it will go at the same time, if your pipes are ready, so are the tie-ins.