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Combining all schedules or manage them with links!

6 replies [Last post]
tom huang
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Running multi-contractors’ scheudles:

1. To combine thema all into one "giant" master schedule?!

2. Manage them separately (using P3e) with relative interfaces?!

There are pros and cons, personally I prefer the 2nd way. It’s quicker to run (if i only open project i need to work on) and more flexibility. Not to mention, only a handful of tasks are in progress any given time. I don’t really see the need to include everything in the same schedule!

What do you all think?!


Of course it is easier and more practical to work with the separate schedules.
But sometimes you will need to level resources that are used in different projects and manage total cost and material requirements and supplies.
Thus you need to be able to consolidate all projects in one master schedule to make necessary computations (resource, cost and material leveling) then to divide them back to manage separately.
John Lawson
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Option 1. To combine them all into one "giant" master schedule?!

Reply: I would avoid this option at all costs, best to keep your projects in nice "easy lumps"

Option 2. Manage them separately (using P3e) with relative interfaces?!

Reply: This is way to go - this what the software was designed to do and it actuall does work, one job I was on we had over 600 projects all running together under P3e. This worked fine, mind would have hated to have had that lot in one one network!!


Nigel Winkley
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Similar situation. I have to integrate three major projects - from P3, P3e and MSP. I have created milestones as a separate section and link via the milestones.

Minimal change to the "original" programme but links can easily be shown - both as "contract" or Schedule 11 and "planned" or the real timescales.

Stick with P3e - it’s what it’s for! So I am told...


Marcio Sampaio
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I am now working with 5 big projects and i am managing all separate using P3e. It allow me to analyze all projects interfaces when necessary openning all at same time.

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Better manage the project using P3e/c or P5.

This is what P5 for, 32 bit unlimited unlimited ... capacity, functionality, etc.


Abhijit Kulkarni
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Have you tried sub projects Check in & Check out option?

You can create sub projects for your all schedules and bind them in one Main project and use Check in & Check out option to update separately and again merge with main project after updating.