Hello guys out there...
FYI i new comers in this planning world so i need some guidline so people will not bully me and i understand better my scope! ,-)
I just want to know real planner scope of work in sequences so i can improve myself to understand and implement effectively my job! ,-)
1 more thing, i sometime got confuse about in progress to finalize the project schedule.Example, let say i have done 1st draft of project schedule and got BIG problem to meet deadline (initiation stage) so the task no more logic if you decrease the duration or make it overlapping.
People keep asking me this pacakage XX what date to complete?, when is the time to procure? and many more...
so what i suppose to do?. Do i suppose to call all lead, project manager and others engineer and show them all the conflicts and finalize together?.. ,-(
I worried if they will say that its all my work so i suppose to complete it?...i want to learn from my mistake now!! so starting from today i have to know my pure rule as a planner..and guideline (step by step) what to do untill you can complete the schedule example; 1st gather all info, then do level 1 planning, or maybe WBS etc...
I had read some of literature but if you guys all senior really have a kind heart and want to help me, I really apprecite!!!!!
Thank you,
Best Regards,
Junior Planner