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Project Percent Completion

4 replies [Last post]
shamail shardan
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Dear All ,,

I’d like to address three questions pertaining to the construction of high-rise buildings , given that the scope of works includes only the normal average finishing quality & systems:

1- How much is the average total man-hours for such a job in relation to the total value of the works ?
2- What is the average percentage of the Electro-Mechanical works man-hours of the above total man-hours ?
3- When Updating the schedule , should the percentage completion of the project based on the earned man-hours necessarily be close to the percentage completion based on the earned value of executed works?




Edgar Ariete
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there’s no such thing as average, that’s why there are quantity surveyors & planners..otherwise you’ll lose...
Ranilo Asiao
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Dear All ,,

I’d like to address three questions pertaining to the construction of high-rise buildings , given that the scope of works includes only the normal average finishing quality & systems:

1- How much is the average total man-hours for such a job in relation to the total value of the works ?
This will depend on the duration of the contract, we have some phases of construction such as mobilization, design, procurement, construction & handover to name few. Then, we need to allocate some period to accomodate all of these phases until you will reach the detailed activities and do remember that you can only play your schedule within contract duration so make them as your constraint, no more no less.

2- What is the average percentage of the Electro-Mechanical works man-hours of the above total man-hours ?
There is no standard total of manhours for E & M, because they will always depend the civil/structural works especially building projects, you need to allocate enough time after civil works completed.

3- When Updating the schedule , should the percentage completion of the project based on the earned man-hours necessarily be close to the percentage completion based on the earned value of executed works?
It depends on your agreement with the client but normally based on physical accomplishment such as quantity completed versus the total quantity of the said activity. Only, you need to go on site for necessary updating but really help you a lot for your improvement as a planner.


shamail shardan
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Can you please specifiy what are the details required to enable me post them for you soonest possible.

Thanks & Regards


Edgar Ariete
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Please provide details.