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(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.

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Gwen Blair
User offline. Last seen 10 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 182
Ever the opportunists, Dopey and Shifty would NOT be able to infiltrate the Lady Planners splinter faction sherry n curry evening - unless of course they cared to sponsor the evening on a no strings attached basis. However, late passes and restricted bar bills were certinaly neither a pre requiste nor a constraint to their methodology procedure, considering Sweaty Betty was flying in from Rio and Snowhites trip was merely a 4 flight hop south down the Fjords.
Their offer of turning up to discuss Freudian theories, Greek mythology and the Ronnie Biggs Portuguese version of Project Management paled into great depths of dullness compared to the PAPS-CREP, Pre And Post Sherry-Curry Rendezvous/Entertainment Plan.
As a consolation, however, Snowhite promised to interogate SW on the Torry/Rigblast non planned event and report it in the March monthly report.


Clive Randall
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Is this norwegian blue
or Charlie Green