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How could we calculate Planned %?

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Mohammed Abo El Magd
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How could we calculate Planned % or Scheduled % ? for comparison purpose, as an example, between Actual % vs. Planned %.


Alex Rozenkevich
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Hello Mohammed,

As I understood you need a technical advise i.e. how to do it using f.e. P3. First of all you need to make sure that some common measure resourse is assigned to your activities. (f.e. manhours). Than you create a target, assign it to you current project and can already see planned, earned and current estimate figures in resource profile view. To create an S-curve in Excel you need to export data using primavera reports.

Hope this is what you’ve asked about.

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First of all a clear understanding of construction progress is essential. Does S-curve ring a bell.

Whether you use EV, P3, Excel, PERT/CPM or other planning tools, the way construction were done, are ongoing, and will be done, the construction progress as monitored in uniform interval within the timeline (for example-week, months) will look like a bell shape. The cummulative progress will look like an S-curve.

The fundamentals is that construction tend to slow at the start of the timeline (shop drawings submittal, materials submittal, etc). In due course there will be more workfronts, more delivery of materials, incerease availability of shop drawings, etc. As the project approach completion, there will be not much work to be done.

In calculating planed %, you can apply a value for each activities and compute the equvalent percentage of this value for that particular activities. In your Gantt Chart where you have the start and finish date of activities, distribute the equivalent percentage in the timeline. Then, you add all the value that falls within the particular time interval (say weeks, months, etc)

Now you have the planned % for each time interval.


Ernesto Puyana
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I mean there`s more than one way to apply the EV concept: activity cost and man-hours being the most widely used because they are applicable to any kind of job. However, on certain cases, where project scope allows, EV could be calculated in M3 of concrete, Tons of steel, meters of pipe, etc.

On how to calculate Planned %, apply the procedure described before: using the project progress option, combines with the spotlight. This would be a nice feature to add to a wish list for future updates: a target percent complete column.
Mohammed Abo El Magd
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Hello Gentlemen,
First of all I’d like to ask Ernesto, how Primavera allows many other methods and where I could do that in the soft were? Or do you mean the method available to calculate the ETC?
Second, thank you Adel for your kind offer. But the problem that not all the time you can report for the project progress using EV, all the time , you been asked to report as I explained before (Actual % against Scheduled %). And even if you reported using EV, you will go through the same question (How could I calculate the Scheduled % ?) to get the Planned value or BCWS.

Best Regards
Ernesto Puyana
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There`s no doubt EV is the best way to measure progress, specially in lump sum contracts, since payment depends on it.

However, measuring % complete the way suretrak or primavera measure it when no cost or resources are loaded onto activities is a pretty simple and easy way to keep track of projects. We`ve been using it on a weekly basis on small and large projects, with good results.

After all what one needs is a baseline to compare against; what changes when using dollars, man-hours or days is the specific weight of each activity.
Adil Gibreel
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I think this should be donre using the EV (Earned Value) by considering both the work done and the cost of that work compared to the planned work and cost. If you are not familiar with EV, I will be more than happy to elaborate n that
Ernesto Puyana
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the most common asumption made to model activity progress is that there is a lineal relationship between time elapsed and work performed. Thats not always the case, but that’s why Primavera allows several other models.
Mohammed Abo El Magd
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Hallow Christian
Thank you for your replay. The problem is, if we assumed that we have activity of

10 days duration and
800 units assigned to it.
One day elapsed, so, the Planned % will be calculated as follows,
800/10 = 80 unit / day
80 unit (Just one day elapsed)/800unit = 0.1*100 = 10%
Means that after one day, I should accomplish 10% of this activity. Even if we calculate it using time units
(1/10) * 100 = 10%

And here is the problem, is it correct to say that If 10% of the project elapsed I should accomplish 10% of the work?

I think many factors should be taken in consideration to calculate the Planned %.

What is your opinion Christian?

Christian Adrian ...
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Hello Mohammed

Is your programme done in P3 3.1? if so then you may use the update progress tools... change your date into a new data date then you may select "all activities" or "selected activities" the press update...

Hope this helps...
