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David Watters
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Well, the guys below have done a pretty good job explaining the nuts and bolts. Another way is to visualise it on a project, say a manufacturing project:

Level One - Major milestones and one activity for engineering, procurement and Manufacture if you like. Just to give a client enough info to get key dates across and no more.

Level 2 - Split the engineering by discipline; procurement by Long Lead and critical orders; Manufacture by the actual items to be built

Level 3 - Split the engineering into CTRs for each discipline; split procurement out into each order; split manufacture into each work centre for each product.

Level 4 - Split the CTRs out into specific engineering activities for each discipline relating to the engineering deliverables; split the procurement up into Bid Analysis, Commercial analysis and lead times, ex works etc.

Level 5 - Real nuts and bolts stuff. In manufacture this is normally a hour by hour schedule for the exact operation in each work centre for each step of each product. So, literally nuts and bolts !!

As the other have mentioned below, it is a cascading level of information. The reason for this is to get the schedule across in differing ammounts of time. A CEO will not read a 100 page schedule, he just wants one page. On the other hand, a Production Manager wants all the detail in the world so as to co-ordinate his work centres effectively.

I know what your thinking as well - "Manufacture - I’m doing EPC". So am I - but this as good an example as you’d get, because its not based in EPC which can contain wildly differing points of view on level of scheduling - all of which are correct belive it or not !

The actual level you need to portray can be dictated by the contract that has been signed (as motioned below) and also your locality (Also mentioned below). SO I suggest you look towards your project for a definitive answer. Its probably staring you right in the face in the text of the contract.
rahil khan
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level 1 is a key milestone activities only.(usually 1 A4 size sheet)
level 2 is a broader placement of activities in this level 1 schedule (usuall 2 A4 size sheets)
any activity in level 3 schedule will not have duration more than 30 days.
Rahmat Hidayat
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Level 1 : Project Management & Strategy (Major Milestones)
Level 2 : Project Control Level
Level 3 : Cost Account & Work packages
Level 4 : Measurable Items
Level 5 : Work Steps

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On very large scale projects the smallest defined element of work will be depicted by the package of documents the employees get in their hands. By labour these will average out about 125 hours (i.e. one piece of pipe to be installed), in the engineering office it is normally the manufacture of a document/drawing (average size of jobs vary with implementation of CAD).
This level is then referred to as Level 5.
A natural group of these jobs form an activity. The grouping may be so that there are several trades, but only one discipline. That is there may be both a pipefitter and a welder on the job, but it will be a piping activity. There may be both instrument technician and electrician, but it will be (maybe) a F&G activity, etc. This activity shall have no planned interrupts/breaks. F.i. Installation of a pump, first a structural outfitting activity which caters for the support/skid, then a mechanical activity to put the pump into place and do a temporary alignment, then a piping activity to install piping and hook up to nozzles, then a mechanical again to do the final alignement. MC and Commissioning may have a separate structure.
This is the Level 4. This is also always the level which is used for networking.
A grouping of these activities into diciplines and major physical items or contracts are then referred to as Level 3.
Level 3 being often reffered to as a Contract Schedule may then be summarised across several contracts to a level 2 schedule. Sometimes nicknamed a facilities schedule.
A level 1 schedule is then a highlight of major milestones and facilities, and seldom more than one presentation slide for financers and authorities
Luca Basile
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It depend also from the kind of contract.
If for example You have a contract but You have to work in two different site, the level one is the contract, level 2 the site, and so on.
I found pretty usually in th eoil when ask You to upgrade the system and You have to work in two plants kms far away one from the other.

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Depends on the practice of your industry.
In China, Level 1 planning is Key milestones as major for the whole delvelopment. These milestones are client’s control points. Level 2 is master programme on client side. Level 3 is master programme on contractor side. Level 4 is monthly rolling programme prepared by contractor and Level 5 is wekkly rolling programme, also by contractor.