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3D >>> to 4D Planning (Help!!)

7 replies [Last post]
Darrell ODea
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I am studying for an MSc in Construction IT.

Will be basing my Thesis on 3D/4D modelling solutions 4 the Construction Industry.

With a little bit of Object Technology thrown in 4 good measure.

Has anyone come across a Company that provide, from inception, a 3D/4D fully integrated solution for Planning and Project Management?

Would be very interested to hear from anyone.



Andrew Pearce
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Try this is a new product that keeps the 3D model totally linked to the time schedule.
The other option is to look at Navis works.
Try also has a good listing of most project mnanagement software.
Ali Vessali
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I know her very well. She is great. We had an online meeting with her last month and it was very useful for us. As you propebly know, her company is linked to Stanford University and thay do lots of research about Construction 4D modeling tools.

Good Luck
Darrell ODea
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Sorry, that should read Kathleen Liston, not Hudson.
My apologies Kathleen if you are watching.
Darrell ODea
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Thanks Ali again.
Got in touch with Kathleen Hudson, their President.
Kathleen is going to send me a demo. and we are going ahead with a Webex. Thanks again for the info. Will keep U updated, on my progress with this.

Ali Vessali
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Hi Darrell;

You can ask them to send you a 30 days trial application and play with that. I did already and its amazing. You can import a 3D model and schedule database to this application then make links between 3D components and your activities in the schedule. Now you are able to see visually how your project will build and if there are any conflicts in the schedule you can recognize them in advance and make proper modification in the schedule accordingly.
Even more, the application let you to define the type of each activity as:
1- Construct (The related components will appear in the screen at the time frame of activity and remain till end of project – to show construction activities such as Foundation, Concrete Slabs and Columns, Steel Structures, Mech/ Elect Equipment and ….)
2- Demolish (The related components will appear at the start of project and will disappear at the time frame of activity – to show demolition activities such as Excavation, Demolish existing building and ….)
3- Temporary (The related components will appear at the start date of activity and will disappear at the finish date of activity – to show temporary activities such as Cranes, Formworks, Site offices and other temporary facilities)

There are several 3D viewer tools designed in this application, which are very useful to view all details of the building from different viewpoints and even have a look inside the structures. Also you can create several SnapShots of each time period of your project.


Darrell ODea
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Thanks a lot Ali.
Have emailed the company, 2 see if they will have a chat with me. Have you used their application(s) yourself.
What was your experience? Good, Average, Fair etc.

Ali Vessali
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I think this link can help you.
They have developed a powerful 4D application which you can use it for all kinds of projects. Just go and try it.
I would be happy if I can help you more. My E-mail address is "".

Good luck,
Ali Vessali