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?Links to online pdf's showing connecting estimating software and P6 - I need to show it is not that hard...

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John Reeves
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Links to online pdf's showing connection between estimating software and P6 - I need to show it is not that hard...I commonly find contractors telling owners that can't do cost and resource loading because it is too hard.  I need some pdf materials showing it isn't.  Not as easy to find as I thought.  I need to tell them the pros and cons as well.


Zoltan Palffy
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The key is that schedule resembles the takeoff used in the estimating software. You have ot make a correlation between the two.

1. All most all estimating software has the ability to export the cost and manhours to excel. So export this information to excel.

2. create a resource in P6 call it LUMPSUM this is where the dollars and manhours will reside.

(make sure that calculate costs from units is not checked)

3. select all activities and rigth click and select assign resource and select the LUMPSUM resource.

4. export all of the activities that have resources to excel and make sure to include the budgedted units field and the budgeted costs field.

5. use the export from the estimating software to populate the budgeted units (manhours) and budgeted costs in the export from P6 to excel. Populate each activity.

6. Import the spreadsheet back into P6.

DONE ! now you have a cost and resource loaded schedule that was derived from the estimate.

I dont have this info on line