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FS vs SS

4 replies [Last post]
irfan morkoc
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I need to change my relationship from FS to SS. When I try to do this via excel P6 keeps the FS relation. How can I remove the FS relations when I import the excel file. I want only SS relations.

Many thanks for your support.


Zoltan Palffy
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glad it worked for you

Zoltan Palffy
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glad it worked for you

irfan morkoc
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Bian, Thank you very much. It works.

Bian Mutang Tagal
User offline. Last seen 1 year 51 weeks ago. Offline

Hi Irfan,

Remember up to four types of relationships can be added between two activities, and an Excel import in P6 is always to update the project file. So we have to follow the steps below:

  1. Export out the .XLS file from P6 with the activity relationship tab.
  2. In the activity relationship tab, filter only activities that you want to change FS to FF. Delete the other activity rows.
  3. Copy all the relevant activity rows and paste below.
  4. Go back the first set of relevant activity rows and in the delete tab type "d".
  5. Go back to copied set of relevant activity and change activity relationships from FS to SS.
  6. Save and close .XLS file.
  7. Import into P6 and F9 to verify and check relationship tab in Activity Details.

Please refer to the following video demo