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P6 LOE activities not honoring their logic

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We have an issue where numerous projects (X,Y,Z) require an LOE activity to span the start and finish milestones of their relevant project. These LOE's are then all dragged to a single common project (B) for management use. When Project B is scheduled (to a data date in the past) the LOE activities disregard the logic links to their respective external projects and sit on project B data date. This only happens when projects X,Y & Z are closed and project B is open. When projects B,X,Y & Z are all open then the LOE's respect their logic links. Why dont the LOE's honour their logic to external projects when those external projects are closed?


Chris Gibbons
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This can happen with LOE's in the same project too. A get-around is to break the logic to the LOE and put it back in

Chris Gibbons
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A get-around is to break the logic and recalculate then put the logic back in. If that doesn't work, copy the LOE without logic and add the logic to the copy.

Chris Gibbons
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A get-around is to break the logic and recalculate then put the logic back in. If that doesn't work, copy the LOE without logic and add the logic to the copy.

Zoltan Palffy
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make sure that the schedule options in the gneral tab that Ignore relationships to and from other projects is NOT checked.

also in the same window at the bottom make sure that calculate float based on finish date of Each project instead of Opened projects.

if that does not work then chnage it to calculate float based on finish date of Opened projects and then open the project and calculate the schedule.