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Automatic update of % Complete based on lower WBS activites with steps

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Heather Hadley
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I'm hoping for insight.  I have an activity that has been locked in a baseline.  I have created a lower level WBS within that same WBS which breaks the original baseline activity into smaller chunks of work - example - Install Pad Piers (original baseline activity) in the "concrete" WBS.  I created a lower level WBS called "Pad Piers" and my activities are "Pad Pier #1, Pad Pier #2", etc.  I have created steps on each of the "Pad Pier #1/#2, etc for progressing which gives me a % complete.  I have pulled over to the Activity Chart the column "Performance % Complete" which shows a % complete for the WBS title bar which means as I progress the lower level "Pad Piers #1/#2" etc, the WBS bar will give me a % complete which is what I will use to progress the original one liner from the baseline "Install Pad Piers".  My question is this - is there a way to have that original baseline activity be updated on it's % compelte form the lower level WBS.


I hope this makes sense's been a long day.

Any help appreciated!!



Zoltan Palffy
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not sure what you mean but sterps can automatically update activites 

Heather Hadley
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Yes, I've incorporated steps into the lower level activities and it automatically calculates my % complete.  I'm wondering if there is way to automatically update the % complete on the corresponding upper level activity that the lower level activties were built from.

Zoltan Palffy
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steps would be the way to go 

Heather Hadley
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Thanks for the reply - I totally didn't explain that well.  Of course you don't update the baseline.  My reference to the baseline is the actual baseline activties in the "live" schedules which can not be change due to the interaction with our cost program.  I can, however, make lower level WBS in the "live" schedule and roll that % up to the higher level activity.  I'm just wondering if there is a way to automatically update the higher level activity based on the lower level activties as they are updated.  Example, if the lower level activities total 45% complete for all, is there a way that the higher level activity will show 45% complete once the progress on the lower levels are done.

Zoltan Palffy
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1st an original baseline should never be UPDATED. It should be copied then progress applied to the copied version.

So If I understand the question you want to update the baseline % complete ?

If you really want to do this and it is assigned as a baseline

go to project maintian baseline select update 

check update existing activires already in the baseline 

then select Update Options then check Steps

select OK

then select update