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Multiple Projects in one Integrated Schedule - How to show baselines in Gantt Chart

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Heather Hadley
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Hi All,


I have created an integrated schedule with LOEs from Start and Finish Milestones in individual projects (a total of 35) by externally linking the LOE in the integrated schedule with the milestones in the individual projects. 


My problem is that I want to show on the Gantt Chart the LOE created for that scope in an individual project as well as a basline bar from that individual project.  For example, Start / Finish Milestones were Jan 1 and Jun 1 in the baseline.  Now they are Jan 15 and Jun 2 in the current schedule which is what my LOE will show.  How do I show the Jan 1 and Jun 1 as a bar in my gantt chart with the LOE bar?


And, just to make it even more complicated, is there a way to show an earlier baseline in there as well - say the project has originally baselined the dates as Oct 31 and Mar 7.  Is it possible to show the current LOE bar, the Jan 1 to Jun 1 baseline bar and the Oct 31 to Mar 7 bar all on the same gantt chart.  I've been trying to mess around with the Assign/Maintain baselines but am getting frustrated....


Any help is greatly appreciated!!




Zoltan Palffy
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glad i could help 

Heather Hadley
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I like this!  Thanks!

Zoltan Palffy
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if you are just showing LOE then do this

copy the project

filter where activity type not equal to LOE

next deleted all these activiites (all you are left with are the LOE activities)

now change all of the Actvitiy type to Task Dependent

for all of these add a primary constraint START ON and make the date equal to the planned start date 

for all of these add and expcted finish constraint equal to whatever the date was originally

recalcute the schedule chnanging the data date to whatever the baseline data date was 

now go into your current schedule select Project Maintain Baselines and selet Add and select the project you just created

now selet Project assign baseline and select the project that you just created

now filter where activity type eqauls LOE

now right click in the gantt area and select bars

in the bar setting make sure to show the Primary Baseline bar 


Heather Hadley
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Excellent!! I was going down that line but wanted validation before I spent too much work. Thanks!! Greatly appreciated!
Santosh Bhat
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In P6, each project requires its own baseline project (set under PROJECT>MAINTAIN BASELINES), and then you have to one-by-one for each project select which is the Project, Primavera, Secondary etc. baseline project.

Bear in mind that baselines are displayed by comparing Activity ID, you need the same ID in both the current and the baseline project for the baseline bar/milestone to be displayed.

In your example, if all your LOE's and and milestones are in one single project anyway, you could just create baselines of this one project with each of the LOE/Milestones showing the "past" date you want to show.