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Short Cut to Transfer Data in Excel onto P6

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Mike planner
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Hi All, 


Is there a short cut in my to replace the budgeted unit in activity cost  For example, the 5 budgeted unit to replace by 9667.24 on my excel sheet.  Note: There are 2 budgetted unit in each activity. One is my cost and another is my resources. I do not want to change the Mec.Mechanical value because its my labour resource. I only want to change the Activity Cost.Activity Cost. Value I have about 800 Activity Costs to transfer from Excel to P6 to Activity Cost. If there is a short cut, it would save me a lot of time.  THANKS! 






Santosh Bhat
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1) Open the project you want to change.


3) Select Spreadsheet XLSX as the export option

4) Select the Resource Assignments optoo

5) Ensure the chosen project is ticked

6) Select a Template, or add/modify and esnure this new template includes the data field you want exported (ie Budgeted units)

7) Select a directory and filename for the exported XLSX file and press Finish


8) Now you will have a list of all resource assignments and budgeted units. Modify this spreadsheet file as required, save and close.

Now back in P6,

9) select FILE>IMPORT 

10) select Spreadsheet XLSX

11) Point to the file you saved in 8)

12) Select the project to import to and press finish.