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decent SOV and Submittal Package tracking software, even better integrates with P6, ebuilder, etc.

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John Reeves
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decent SOV and Submittal Package tracking software, even better integrates with P6, ebuilder, etc.  -  I still just see excel used even on giant jobs, there has to be a better way.  I have been investigating...most I have found are a small afterthought of a bigger package that does something else, ie Textura.  I see a lot of style over substance of hard core data management.  Tieing those items to schedules is very tricky, particularly in design build and with "re-submittals" the word done can be difficult to define - there is done enough to proceed etc and other grey areas.


John Reeves
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I think the lack of replies to this is telling in itself.  This problem is compounded by the trend towards Design Build Projects - compounding the chaos...

John Reeves
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Here is what that Linke states:  : 

"Automate, track, and manage budgets, commitments, spends, forecasts, and business processes."

These are not the issue.   I am looking for solutions to SOV and Submittal Log - preferably that can tie to a schedule.  All I ever see are excel sheets - everybody knows a database system in theory is better.  The way things are - more likely to find one that ties to MS Project than P6 because these programs are by IT people not Construction / AEC people, but I can work with MS Exports if I have to.  Somebody offer me some Seed Funding - this issue is a real problem.

 I have used P3/P6 for 30 thirty years so I know about unifier.  It is the 500 lb gorilla - too much, wrong purpose, IT people are scared of Oracle products, etc...
Andrew Podolny
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