Dear All,
In the P6 8.3 version, the data base has exceeds the 4GB space, and unable to import, export or delete projects.
1. I could delete several small projects without resources and when I tried to delete bid projects "Event Code PRMDB-3293-E" and Access Error: ORA-12952 appeared.
2. I tried to delete activities in the project one by one, then increased the no of activities etc. It was working and then I tried to delete few big projects. It again worked.
3. Again the same problem reappreared after some time with the same message of 4GB space exceeding.
4. I tried "Truncate table REFRDEL" and "compact storage" by SQL command. Also I tried the SQL command "Delete from POBS"
5. Still no changes and now the main issue is I am unable to loin to P6, as the same message of exceeding the 4GB space is reappearing. The space availablity is showing 100% used.
Is there any options to solve this problem of login and to get back the free space. Is there any possibility to create a new data base with 4GB capacity (keeping the existing as it is), so that I can import the new projects into it.
Thanks and Best Regards