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R8.2 to 7.0 Import Error: CVRJC-3324-A

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sajith raj
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Hi All,

Recently my office laptop with 7.0 crashed and sent for repair, during this period I used my primavera 8.2. When I received my laptop I am not able to import the XER back to 7.0 with error message  CVRJC-3324-A, related to some RISK. I checked on the internet and found no useful solution which could help me. I request if anyone could provide me a step by step instruction to resolve the issue.


Zoltan Palffy
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why didnt you save the 8.2 verision as an earlier version. 

sajith raj
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Scenario: I exported the program from my P6 and revised in P8.2 and imported back to P6, giving me errors.

There are other ways which I didn't understand, but the one I did helped me.


NOTE: Your new file which you exported from P8.2, lets name it Project x.2


the same of this file you previously used to import 'which is the old one' lets name it Project x.1 


1.Open both file - > Right Click -> Open with -> Notepad

2.Now in Project x.2 & Project x.1 , CTRL+F - "RisK"

3.You will reach %T PROJRISK; use this      %T PROJRISK    (all his is from Projectx.1)

                                                             %F ......  &

                                                              %R ......          *important copy all these lines*

4. Paste these lines of (reminding you again) Projectx.1 to our new Projectx.2



1.Got to Projectx.1


eg:%T RISKCTRL%F risk_id proj_id risk_control%R 521 5632

3. Copy the lines from Projectx.1 and paste it just above  %T TASKPRED which is in the Projectx.2


Save Projectx.2 and import.


Hope it works for you

Please suggest if you have alternate methods.

Also, I tried this method but I was hopeless

