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Airport Construction schedule

3 replies [Last post]
Alaa Al haj
User offline. Last seen 7 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 79

Hi All, 


who can share with us basic things to consider we you plan for Airport construction 

and if possible share typical schedule shows major activities 




Zoltan Palffy
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there is a lot to consider

Alaa Al haj
User offline. Last seen 7 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 79

Thanks Zoltan for your points 


I am checking the documents and requirements and will keep attention to your points 





Zoltan Palffy
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is this a new airport or a renovation of an existing airport ?

is there road work ramp work enplaning and deplaning ? do you have to keep these active during construction ?

is there a phasing plan ?

how many gates can you take down at a time ?

are you building any additinal runways ?

do you need swing spaces for exisrting tenenats ?

are you building a additinonal fuel tank farm ?

are you installing a gylcol recovery system ?

are you building a de-icing area ?

are you installing in ground fuel tanks at the gates ?

is there taxiway work ?

is there runway work ?

is there loading dock work  ?

is there air traffiic control tower wok as well as ground control tower work ?

how long does it take for construction personell to go through the badging progess to get AOA access ?

how are you going to get the craft onto the AOA area ? bus ?

are there seperate gates for the craft as opposed to airport employees ? 

are you bringing in concrete or do you have an onsite batch plant ?

do you have a deciated haul road through the airport as well as a stock pile area ?

are you working in an international arrivals area if so do your people need to be finger printed ?

shall I go on ?